How to Get Pregnant With PCOS
Put your lifestyle in check. Most women with PCOS will notice an increase in fertility after changing their diet and exercise regimen. A 5 percent loss in body weight will make a big difference to their overall fertility and minimize the risk of gestational diabetes once they do become pregnant. Eating a diet low in fat and carbohydrates will help regulate insulin levels and help manage weight gain.
Take the right medications. Taking medication designed to treat insulin resistance is the first stepping stone to getting pregnant with PCOS. You should expect to take a drug like metformin for three to 6 months before adding other treatment options, since it takes a while to fully kick in.
Get help ovulating. PCOS women have difficulty ovulating properly; so you may have to use drugs such as Clomid to stimulate ovulation. Your doctor may also prescribe injections such as an HCG shot to further stimulate your ovaries.
Time it correctly. Taking your basal body temperature and charting it will help you determine the optimum time for conception. Your doctor can help explain when you and your partner should have intercourse, but it's typically the four days surrounding ovulation.
Give your partner a little help. Once the doctor determines that you're ovulating correctly, she may order intrauterine inseminations (IUI's). This will make it easier for your partner's sperm to reach your egg and increase your chance of conception.
Call in the professionals. If after a set amount of time none of the above attempts work, your doctor will ask you to consider in vitro fertilization, IVF, as an option.