Can Ovarian Cancer Pain Be Sporatic?
Abdominal Pain
Abdominal pain can be classified as being either acute or chronic. Acute pain is that which comes on suddenly and is temporary. Appendicitis can cause acute abdominal pain. Once the inflamed organ is removed, the pain goes away. According to the Merck Manual, chronic pain is that which persists for longer than three months and may be continuous or intermittent. They list ovarian cancer as one of the physiological causes of chronic abdominal pain.
Frequency of Pain
Pain, like the other symptoms of ovarian cancer may be sporadic. A study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association showed that women with ovarian cancer reported having pelvic pain 24 times per month and general abdominal pain every day. Healthy subjects reported having the same symptoms two to three times per month. It is recommended by the Johns Hopkins Pathology Department that action be taken for any symptoms lasting longer than two to three weeks.
Causes of Pain
According to the National Cancer Institute, the pain associated with cancer occurs when "the cancer grows and presses against bones, organs, or nerves." Consequently, cancers that are small and in an early stage of development usually do not produce pain. Though the pain of ovarian cancer may initially be sporadic, its frequency, intensity and duration will increase as the cancer grows. Progressive worsening of symptoms requires prompt medical attention.
Breakthrough Pain
People with all types of cancer frequently experience breakthrough pain, sporadic episodes of pain which are more severe than the discomfort they routinely experience.Three types of such pain exist. Breakthrough pain that occurs as a result of movement is called incident pain. Idiopathic breakthrough pain is that for which no cause can be found. End-of-dose failure is a breakthrough pain that occurs in patients taking pain medication. The pain is experienced at the end of a medication dosing interval.
Other Considerations
Pain is just one of the many symptoms associated with ovarian cancer. Initial symptoms are frequently vague and can include abdominal swelling, pelvic pressure, difficulty eating or feeling full quickly when eating, and constipation. Medical attention should be sought for any symptoms that persist or worsen in severity, with or without sporadic pain. Doing so can increase the likelihood that the cancer is diagnosed in its early stages when it is most treatable.