Estrogen Cream Vs. Progesterone Cream
Estrogen creams and progesterone creams are a common form of hormone replacement therapy used in the past to treat menopause or menopausal symptoms, according to WebMD. Hormone replacement therapy using estrogen may be used for women who have undergone a hysterectomy. The use of hormone treatment has come into question in recent years about potential negative medical side effects at the conclusion of a study by the Women's Health Initiative.
Estrogen and progesterone creams each have different functions. According to WebMD, estrogen therapy is often taken alone by women without a uterus to relieve menopause symptoms or to prevent osteoporosis. Progesterone is a combination hormone treatment of estrogen and progesterone for women who still have their uterus to treat menopausal symptoms and prevent osteoporosis. Both hormone replacement therapies are available as a prescribed skin cream. Other options include an oral pill or tablet, skin patch, vaginal ring or skin gel.
Estrogen and progesterone creams are one way for the hormone replacement therapy to enter the bloodstream directly. Using an estrogen cream may help prevent perimenopausal symptoms, osteoporosis and colon cancer. Creams are applied daily to the legs, thighs or calves.
Having a hysterectomy usually means progesterone isn't needed for hormone replacement. For women nearing menopause, the ovaries starting reducing levels of both the estrogen and progesterone hormones. As a result, menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes and medical conditions such as osteoporosis can occur from the lack of estrogen. Using an estrogen cream can help reduce occurrence of those conditions. According to WebMD, progesterone can reduces the risk of endometrial cancer. Menopausal women may be able to use a combination of both hormones, depending on their medical situation and advice of their doctor.
Side Effects
Using a cream instead of a medication orally can possibly decrease the possibility of side effects since the hormone is absorbed directly into the blood stream. Some of the most common side effects that may occur with the use of any hormone replacement therapy include headaches, nausea, breast tenderness, weight gain, vaginal discharge and spotting or darkening of the skin.