How to Shrink & Eliminate Very Large Fibroid Tumors
Undergo hormone therapy. A doctor will generally prescribe medication containing gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH), which will shrink large fibroids.
Get a uterine artery embolization, which entails having a catheter inserted through the femoral artery and maneuvered to the arteries supplying blood to the fibroids. Once the tubes are in place, agents that block the flow of blood to the fibroids are fed into the tube and they eventually die.
Speak to your doctor about having a myomectomy (my-oh-MEK-ta-mee). This is a surgery in which the fibroid is removed without taking out any other organs. Women can still have children if a large uterine fibroid is removed this way, but new fibroids may crop up afterward. Roughly 25 percent of women who have a myomectomy will need a hysterectomy a few years down the line.