Black Spotting After Ovulating
Spotting is small drops of blood coming from the uterus. Normal spotting (which occurs three to five days after bleeding is usually discovered when a woman wipes herself with toilet paper after urination.
Puberty is a time in a girl's life when the body is going through hormonal changes. The menstual cycle begins during this period, often causing spotting afterward because of uneven hormone levels.
Post-Menstrual Cycle
In some cases, the uterus doesn't completely rid itself of all menstrual tissue during the three- to seven-day cycle. The tissue may come out after this period and be dark brown or black in color because it is older.
In rare cases, spotting after ovulation may be caused by an ovarian or uterine cyst that is forming in the vagina. Cysts are diagnosed based on their appearance and feel. The doctor will place two fingers inside of the vagina and feel for the cyst. A pap smear may also be done to properly diagnose it.
A women who is about to go through menopause may also experience spotting. During this time, a woman's hormones are not at their normal levels.