How do you feel on your first period?
1. Nervousness and Curiosity:
- You may feel a mix of excitement and nervousness as you enter this new phase of life. It is common to be curious about what to expect and how it will affect your body.
2. Physical Discomfort:
- Menstrual cramps: Some girls experience mild to moderate lower abdominal pain, often described as cramps.
- Bloating: Fluid retention can cause swelling in your abdomen, hands, and feet.
- Breast tenderness: Your breasts may feel full, tender, or slightly painful before and during your period.
- Mood swings: Hormonal changes can influence mood, leading to mood swings, irritability, or feeling weepy.
3. Emotional Reactions:
- Emotional turmoil: Some girls may feel a mix of emotions, such as happiness, embarrassment, anxiety, or confusion, as they adjust to this new experience.
- Concerns about hygiene and cleanliness: You might feel self-conscious about the blood flow and how to manage it hygienically.
4. Seeking Guidance and Support:
- Parents and older siblings: Many girls turn to their mothers, sisters, or other trusted adults for guidance and support during their first period.
- Health education resources: School-based health education programs and reliable online sources can provide important information and tips on managing your period.
5. Relief and Acceptance:
- As you become familiar with your body's changes and develop a routine for managing your period, feelings of relief and acceptance can set in.
Remember that every girl's experience with her first period is unique. If you have any concerns, questions, or unusually intense discomfort during your period, don't hesitate to reach out to your parents, healthcare provider, or a trusted adult.
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