Reasons for Feminine Itch

Feminine itch drives some women crazy. You may experience mild to moderate itching depending on where you are in your menstrual cycle. Itching can also be a warning sign of a more serious infection. Many women rush to the pharmacy for an over-the-counter solution to the itch. However, if you suffer frequent itching, see your gynecologist for an examination, as the itching may be a symptom of a greater problem.
  1. Wearing Tight, Wet or Synthetic Clothing

    • Wearing stockings, thongs or tight jeans can cause moisture to become trapped. Similarly, synthetic clothing doesn’t let the skin breathe, which also traps moisture. Always change out of a bathing suit after swimming to prevent feminine itch. Also, after working out or engaging in another activity that causes you to sweat excessively, change into dry clothes.

    Chemical Irritants

    • Soaps, ointments, contraceptive foams and even fabric softeners can cause vaginal itching because of an allergic reaction you are experiencing to a chemical in the product. If your feminine itch presented after switching to a new laundry detergent or after using a new soap or cream, discontinue use of that product.

    Hormonal Fluctuations

    • During your period, your hormones fluctuate, causing changes to your vagina. Similarly, during menopause, you experience a drop in estrogen, which causes the wall of your vagina to thin and produce less lubrication. This dryness can cause irritation and, thus, itching.

    Yeast Infection

    • In addition to itching, vaginal yeast infections also present with white discharge. Common causes of yeast infections include antibiotic use, condom use, diabetes or a weakened immune system.

    Sexually Transmitted Diseases

    • Acquiring a sexually transmitted disease (STD) can cause vaginal itching. Vaginitis can be caused by an STD or another infection. Symptoms of vaginitis include itching, inflammation, discharge and odor. Genital herpes also causes feminine itch. If these infections go untreated, you risk becoming infertile or, in severe cases, dying. Ointments are available over the counter, but they only mask the symptoms of the problem. See your doctor to receive proper treatment and prevent any further damage.

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