The Role of Phytoestrogens in Uterine Fibroids
Uterine Fibroids Defined
Uterine fibroids are growths present inside the uterus, or its surrounding walls, or attached to the outside of it by a stalk. These growths, according to the Mayo Clinic, are rarely cancerous or symptom-producing. However, they can produce pain and excessive bleeding, depending upon the location and size of the fibroid. In addition, since fibroids tend to decrease in size after menopause--when estrogen levels and other reproductive hormones diminish--it is believed that there is an estrogen-related link.
Phytoestrogens Defined
Phytoestrogens are a milder version of the estrogen than occurs in the body, but this type occurs in some foods. The two main food types that provide phytoestrogens are lignans and isoflavones, according to the Mayo Clinic. Lignans are found in some vegetables and fruits--as well as whole grains and flaxseed.
Isoflavones are found in chickpeas, soybeans as well as other legumes. While both lignans and isoflavones may help reduce estrogen-related symptoms of menopause (by providing the deficient body with estrogen from plant sources), neither has been proven to do so, according to the Mayo Clinic. Isoflavones may even increase cancer risk and phytoestrogens are suspected to play a role in fibroids too.
Estrogen and Phytoestrogen Role
During the child-bearing period of a woman's life, estrogen is usually in plentiful supply in the body. Adding phytoestrogens to an already excellent estrogen level may be one cause of fibroid development. If progesterone--another hormone--is not in enough supply within the body to offset the estrogen imbalance (as it normally does), that can make the likelihood even greater that fibroids may develop, according to the online website
During menopause a woman experiences a reduction in estrogen, resulting in symptoms like hot flashes. Phytoestrogens are being used by some to address this symptom produced by an estrogen level that is too low. Therefore, if phytoestrogen is proven to play a role in producing enough estrogen to remedy menopause symptoms; it might produce enough estrogen in the body to play a role in fibroid growth too, prior to the menopausal stage.
Additional research needs to be conducted to definitively support whether diet--and phytoestrogen within the diet--has a significant role in the reduction or prevention of fibroids in the uterus.