Why Do I Have Period Symptoms With No Menstruation?
Symptoms of a period that occur before or without menstruation might include mood changes, food cravings, insomnia, headache, fatigue, weight gain, bloating, breast soreness and increased acne.
Women might experience period symptoms in the absence of menstruation as a result of hormone changes, depression, poor eating habits or a miscalculation of when their period is due to begin.
The early symptoms of pregnancy are similar to symptoms of a period; women who had unprotected sex or have another reason to suspect pregnancy might consider taking a pregnancy test if they are not menstruating.
Period symptoms such as headaches, muscle aches and soreness can be treated with over-the-counter pain relievers; diuretics can reduce weight gain and bloating. Women might also consider oral contraceptives or antidepressants to reduce period symptoms.
Exercising regularly, avoiding caffeine and alcohol, getting enough sleep, limiting salty foods, consuming the recommended daily amount of calcium, and eating small meals can help to prevent period symptoms before menstruation.