Pain Relief From GI Endometriosis
Hormone Therapy
Take hormones to control the growth of the endometrial tissue. Hormone therapy can also help control menstruation and ease pain. Birth control pills are an example of hormone therapy. Women who wish to become pregnant cannot use birth control ,and the symptoms will return as soon as the pills are stopped. Another form of hormone therapy is with a low dose male hormone such as danazol. This method will lower the levels of female hormones in the body which helps prevent the growth of the endometrial tissue.
Pain Medications
Use pain medications to control the pain pf endometriosis. 200 to 400 milligrams of ibuprofen or acetaminophen can usually help to ease the pain and inflammation of the uterine tissue. Many times, the pain can be so severe that over-the-counter medications will not work. Instead, pain medications can be combined with other treatment methods in order to provide the best relief. Your gynecologist may also prescribe a stronger medication such as a narcotic for pain.
Choose surgery as a treatment method to completely get rid of the endometriosis. This treatment method removes the source of pain rather than treating the pain. Your doctor may suggest one of several treatment options. Laparoscopy is usually used to diagnose endometriosis. Your physician will cut away small growths and try to leave the healthy tissue behind. Another type is laparotomy. Laparotomy is major abdominal surgery. This method allows the doctor to make deeper cuts so that he can reach further places. The last type of surgery is a hysterectomy. The doctor will remove any female organs and you will no longer be able to have children. This method is not recommended for those wishing to have children.
Apply a heating pad or electric blanket directly to the area that you are experiencing the pain. The heat will help to relax the muscles, which will help to ease the pain and inflammation. Allow the heat to sit for only 15 minutes at a time. If you leave the heat on too long, it can cause muscle spasms, which will make the pain intensify. A warm bath can also help to relax the muscles and ease pain.