What Are the Treatments for Pre Cervical Cancer?
If the dysplasia is mild, the doctor may take a wait and see approach, according to the National Institutes of Health. The body could get rid of the abnormal cells on its own. In this case, a woman will come back in three to six months for a follow-up pap test.
Moderate, Severe
If the cervical dysplasia is moderate or severe, a doctor can choose among cyrosurgery, vaporization, excision or cone biopsy to remove the abnormal cells.The biggest risk with these treatments is heavy vaginal bleeding.
With cyrosurgery, liquid nitrogen is used to freeze the abnormal cells. The nitrogen is applied through a small probe.
Laser Vaporization
When laser vaporization is chosen, a concentrated beam of light destroys the abnormal cervical cells.
Electrosurgical Excision
A thin wire loop carrying electrical current is used during electrosurgical excision to remove the precancerous tissue. After removal, the tissue is often sent to a lab for further analysis.
Cone Biopsy
By taking a cone-shaped wedge of the cervix, the doctor can remove any abnormal cells and see if they've become cancerous and spread to deeper layers of cervical tissue.This procedure may be done under general or local anesthesia.
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