How to Reduce Menstrual Periods

A monthly menstrual period is an annoyance for many women, but for those who have exceptional bleeding or cramping, it can be a nightmare. Many doctors prescribe a type of progesterone found in birth control pills or implant a hormone-releasing device into the uterus to control heavy bleeding. There also are over-the-counter solutions if your bleeding is not that heavy.


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      Determine what your average monthly menstrual flow is in milliliters by creating a menstrual diary. You can calculate this by determining how many soaked pads or tampons you go through in an average period; each pad equals 5 ml. Count unsoaked pads changed for aesthetic reasons as equal to half as much as a full pad.

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      Over 80 ml of fluid lost, or 16 soaked pads during a normal menstrual period, is considered extremely heavy bleeding (menorrhagia). The average women loses 10 to 35 ml of fluid during her period, according to Dr.Jerilynn C. Prior in the article, "Very Heavy Menstrual Flow." If you have a light to medium flow, ibuprofen might be all you need.

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      Take 200 milligrams of ibuprofen every four to six hours when you are bleeding heavily. According to Dr. Prior, taking ibuprofen reduces menstrual bleeding by 25 to 30 percent over the course of your period and also will reduce cramps.

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      If your period is still very heavy, talk to your doctor about a prescription for hormone supplements. Many types of birth control contain a kind of progesterone, which is a hormone that acts with estrogen to produce your monthly periods. Estrogen is responsible for thicker flows, while progesterone thins the uterine lining, making your periods lighter. Your doctor also might prescribe tranexamic acid, which, according to medical website , can lessen bleeding by 40 percent to 50 percent during your period.

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      Take any prescriptions according to your doctor's instructions. You might be able to lessen your periods over time through exercise, losing weight, limiting fatty foods in you diet and avoiding aspirin.

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