How to Manage Fibroids
Have the fibroid tested. Depending on its location, there are different tests to be performed on a fibroid. There are mammograms and ultrasounds that will detect them in your breast and in your reproductive organs. Having the tests performed will help you weigh your options on treatment. For instance, if you plan to have more children, you do not want to have a hysterectomy, though it is the number one chosen treatment option for fibroids found frequently in the uterus and in the ovaries.
Take evening primrose oil tablets daily. These supplements will decrease growth of fibroids in your breasts. In small to moderate sized fibroids, these supplements have even caused the fibroid to disappear almost completely.
Avoid eating foods that may contain estrogen. This would include eggs, dairy products, red meats and fatty foods. You will want to start a diet high in proteins such as leafy vegetables, chicken, fish, whole wheat and soy products. Fibroids are created from excessive levels of estrogen found in your body. Starting this diet will help you prevent estrogen increases that are not needed in your body.
Add warmth to the area of the fibroid. You can use heating pads, warm compresses and even hot baths. The heat will act as an anti-inflammatory agent. This may not decrease the size of your fibroids, but it will certainly help with the pain associated with them.
Have large fibroids drained. Your doctor may suggest as an alternative to surgical removal having the fibroid drained. This will be performed by numbing the affected area by a local anesthetic. The doctor will then insert a needle into the fibroid cyst and drain fluid causing its size. This does not necessarily mean that the fibroid will not swell again. But it will ease your pain in a non-invasive way.