Topical Home Remedy for Monilia
Cleanse the affected area by swabbing the outer vaginal area with a cloth that has been soaked in apple cider vinegar. This will effectively increase the acidity of the immediate area, creating an environment in which monilia and other fungi will have difficulty growing. Add a bit of garlic and aloe vera gel to the wash if you need relief from itching and burning sensations.
Once the vaginal area has been thoroughly cleaned, treat the interior bacterial growth by inserting a tampon that has been treated with an antifungal compound. For example, add a few drops of tea tree oil to a tampon prior to insertion. If tea tree oil aggravates your skin, you can achieve similar results with garlic juice or a diluted potassium sorbate solution. Once the tampon has been treated, insert it and leave it in place overnight. Remove the tampon first thing in the morning and cleanse the vagina with the vinegar wash once again. Repeat this treatment for three to five days or until the infection clears.
If you are unfamiliar with any of the ingredients listed above, or if you have never applied them directly to your skin, be aware of the possibility of an allergic reaction. To test your skin for allergies, swab an inconspicuous area with a small amount of the intended treatment. Wait 10 minutes and observe the skin, checking for signs of a negative reaction: itching, redness, swelling, rash, etc.
If your infection has not cleared up after seven days of self-care, or if at any point your symptoms seem to get worse rather than better, please seek professional medical advice.