How to Prevent Brown Discharge Caused by Birth Control
Take all birth control medication as prescribed. Do not skip pills or take more pills than prescribed in an attempt to alter your monthly cycle. Failure to take birth control pills as prescribed can change the hormone levels in the body which can affect your monthly cycle.
Only take birth control that has been prescribed to you by a physician that you have seen personally. Birth control dosages are prescribed based on the level of hormones needed to regulate the menstrual cycle of an individual patient. Taking birth control pills that have not been prescribed for you could cause poor control of your monthly cycle.
Stay hydrated and cleansed. Drinking at least six, eight-ounce glasses of water each day (along with a glass of cranberry juice at a meal) will help keep your system cleansed and hydrated. Staying completely hydrated and cleansed will often help prevent brown discharge while taking birth control as prescribed.
Discuss increasing the strength of your birth control or switching birth control brands. In some situations, taking birth control that is not strong enough to regulate a woman's period could cause brown discharge and irregular periods. If taking a stronger dose of your current birth control pill does not prevent brown discharge, discuss switching birth control medication. In many cases changing birth control medication will stop brown discharge from occurring.