How to Treat Large Fibroids
Consider using medications that interfere with estrogen production. These medications will dramatically lower estrogen production, which will shrink the fibroids and reduce accompanying symptoms. These medications will stop your period completely. Follow all medication instructions and do not alter or stop treatment without consulting your physician. Your doctor can recommend the most appropriate medication for your circumstances.
Follow self-care measures that can lower estrogen levels. Natural health expert Dr. Andrew Weil offers the following suggestions for addressing excess estrogen in the body. Lose excess weight; excess fatty tissue will increase the amount of estrogen in your body. Eat organic animal products free of hormones. Regular exercise decreases estrogen levels; aim for 30 minutes of moderate activity several days a week. Take 400 IU of vitamin E twice a day.
Talk to your doctor about surgical and non-surgical procedures to treat large fibroids. Complete removal of the uterus is the only way to permanently address fibroids but is not a desirable option if you still want to have children. A myomectomy removes the fibroid without disturbing your reproductive organs. The type you have will depend on the number, size and location. Several non-surgical procedures remove the fibroid through heat, ultrasound or electrical current. The most appropriate treatment will depend on many factors and your doctor can offer guidance if any of these treatments are appropriate for your situation.