Fibroid Tumor & Necrosis
Many women with uterine fibroids are not aware of their presence and do not experience symptoms. In severe cases, symptoms such as a swollen stomach, abdominal pain, and vaginal bleeding may be present.
Medications are available that can relieve the symptoms by stopping the production of particular hormones. However, these drugs are only effective during the time period they are taken.
Surgical Treatment
Fibroids can be removed surgically through an incision in the abdomen or via the vagina. An alternative treatment called uterine artery embolization (UAE) can be used to kill the tumors by restricting their blood flow.
Following UAE treatment, necrosis of the fibroids is desired and normal. However, necrosis of healthy uterine tissue can occur as an unwanted side effect of blood-flow restriction.
If necrosis of the endometrium (uterine lining) occurs, further surgery to remove the dead tissue or a complete hysterectomy may be needed.