Dysplasia Treatment
Cervical dysplasia is a medical term for disordered cell growth which leads to abnormal cells in the cervix. These abnormal cells can develop into cancer if not treated. The course of treatment for an individual suffering from dysplasia depends on the severity of dysplasia and if HPV is present. Low levels of dysplasia with no HPV may be treated with observation. Higher levels of dysplasia, especially with HPV present, often require specific treatments.-
Cone Biopsy
This procedure is used to diagnose and remove abnormal tissue. A cone-shaped tissue sample is removed and sent for pathological examination. Depending on the results further treatment may be required or the biopsy may have removed all abnormal tissue.
Cryosurgery and Cryocauterization
Cryosurgery involves a carbon dioxide cooled probe that freezes and kills abnormal cells. With cryocauterization, an electric probe is used to cauterize abnormal tissue.
Laser Vaporization or Ablation
For this procedure the patient is in a hospital under anesthesia. The physician will use a laser to destroy the abnormal tissue.
This procedure is known as loop electrosurgical excision procedure (LEEP). A low-voltage high-frequency radio wave is emitted through a loop wire and the electrical current cuts out the abnormal tissue.
A routine pap smear is the way physicians detect cervical changes and dysplasia. Having a regular pap smear is a good way to ensure any abnormal tissue is found and treated in a timely fashion.