Ectopic Pregnancy and Methotrexate
What is Methotrexate?
Methotrexate hinders the development of cells of the body. Reproductive cells, cancer cells, bone marrow cells, and skin cells are the best cells to obstruct because these cells move quickly. Methotrexate can be used to end an early ectopic pregnancy or stop the growth of "any embryonic or fetal cells that are left behind after surgery to end an ectopic pregnancy."
What does Methotrexate do?
Methotrexate is usually injected in two different sites on the body. This increases the chances that the medication will be completely absorbed. Methotrexate prevents the development of fast dividing cells, such as "embryonic, fetal, and early placenta cells." A woman who has an ectopic pregnancy can take this medication is end the pregnancy. Once injected, the medication will drop the hCG levels, which is a sign the pregnancy is ending.
Side Effects
When using methotrexate for the treatment of ectopic pregnancy, many side effects can arise. Some common side effects include abdominal pain and cramping. You may also experience vaginal bleeding, nausea and fatigue. Since there are so many possible side effects, a doctor must supervise you throughout the entire treatment.
Symptoms of Ectopic Pregnancy
Many symptoms can occur with an ectopic pregnancy. These include amenorrhea, abnormal vaginal bleeding, breast tenderness, cramping, nausea, lower back pain, and stomach or pelvic pain.
Ectopic pregnancies can be a fatal situation for the mother. Because of this, the pregnancy should not be completed. An emergency intervention must be carried out in order to remove the "developing cells" in order to save the woman's life. If not, the ectopic pregnancy could rupture the uterus which may lead to shock.