Alternative Treatment for Fibroid
Surgical Treatment
Hysterectomy, or complete removal of the uterus, is the most invasive surgical remedy, but it does affect fertility. A less- invasive surgical procedure is myomectomy. With this procedure, the fibroids can be removed without affecting the woman's fertility because the procedure is performed with a laparoscope inserted through a small incision in the abdomen. If the fibroids are not too large, a myomectomy can be performed with a hysteroscope inserted in the vagina and cervix. Both the laparoscope and the hysteroscope are minimally invasive alternatives to having a complete hysterectomy. They are equipped with fiber optics to light the uterus and with cutting instruments to remove fibroids.
Ultrasound Treatment
Ultrasound treatment is another noninvasive treatment for fibroid sufferers. With this treatment, ultrasound beams are focused on the fibroids with enough intensity that it raises the temperature, thus destroying the fibroid growths.
Uterine Artery Embolization Treatment
This treatment shrinks fibroids by removing their blood supply. This is accomplished when a radiologist injects micro-particles into the arteries that supply blood to the fibroids, blocking the supply of blood to the growths.
Hormonal Therapy Treatment
Drugs that suppress estrogen and progesterone can be used to shrink fibroids, but these drugs are not the best and safest options as they halt menstruation and can facilitate undesirable menopause changes. Lupron injections and the anti-progesterone drug RU-486 can cause fibroids to shrink, but they tend to grow back when the drugs are stopped. Alternative therapies, in lieu of hormonal therapy, should be pursued if they are viable options.
Alternative and Natural Treatment
Some believe that restoring hormonal balance can help shrink fibroids, and they believe balance can be restored with natural supplements. Some advocate phytotherapy with herbal equilibrium supplements as an effective treatment, especially if they are combined with supportive dietary and lifestyle changes.
Some experts believe that limiting the ingestion of xenoestrogens is helpful in treating fibroid growths. Xenoestrogens include pesticides in fruits and vegetables and growth hormones that can be ingested in the consumption of some milk and meat. Some alternative therapies call for a strict organic macrobiotic diet, but one must be careful not to consume too many carbohydrates on such a diet. Some recommend a diet that curtails carbohydrates and increases protein with the addition of soy to the diet. Soy also helps block estrogen from stimulating uterine tissue.
Because body fat can contribute to excesses of estrogen, maintaining a healthy weight is paramount. Women who have fibroids and are overweight should definitely pursue weight loss as part of their fibroid treatment.
Eliminating stress has shown to be beneficial in fibroid and fibroid symptom treatment. Alternative therapists recommend treatment from an acupuncturist, a chiropractor or from a massage therapist to reduce stress and help with fibroid symptoms. Some alternative therapists believe that meditation helps lessen fibroid symptoms and fibroid growth. It is important to remember, however, that fibroid sufferers choosing to pursue alternative or natural remedies use them in conjunction with regular medical care. Regular gynecological examinations to monitor fibroids are always warranted.