Fast Relief for Candida
What Is Candida Albicans?
Candida albicans is a colony of bacteria that grows in the intestinal tract of most adults. It becomes a health issue if the body's other friendly GI flora is compromised and there is an overgrowth of candida. This can become a yeast infection in women or in men, where there are generally no obvious physical symptoms.
Taking antibiotics can cause candida as the antibiotics kill off the friendly bacteria that would keep candida from proliferating.
Certain birth control pills may predispose some women to candida infections, too.
Live Culture Yogurt and Probiotics
Fast remedies include consumption of yogurt with live cultures such as acidophilus lactobacillus or of probiotics that contain the same live cultures. These live cultures feed the friendly GI flora that will fight off the overgrowth of candida.
Read labels, as many commercial yogurts do not contain any live cultures or they have a great deal of sugar, which can aggravate candida. Ideally, consume about a cup of live-culture yogurt that has no added sugar and also consume probiotic supplements according to the manufacture directions (generally one tablet per day).
Candida can result from over consumption of refined sugar, fruit sugar, cheese, fermented foods such as sauerkraut, mushrooms and foods made from baker's yeast. These all feed the candida overgrowth.
Tea Tree Essential Oil Suppositories
Tea tree essential oil can be used at home to make suppositories that can quickly address candida that manifests as a yeast infection. Using a small tampon, saturate the tip with tea tree essential oil and insert it into the vagina. Wear it for two to three hours and then change it, using another tea tree oil-treated tampon. Repeat for up to two days. If you develop any irritation, discontinue use.
Tea tree essential oil is antibacterial, and its direct contact with candida kills the infection.This remedy generally offers quick relief, but it is more effective if you also avoid eating foods that feed the candida overgrowth listed above. Use condoms during sexual intercourse to prevent passing the yeast infection to a partner.