Home Remedies for Chronic Yeast Infections
Different Types of Chronic Yeast Infections
There are three main types of yeast infections that can become chronic. Oropharyngeal/espophageal candidiasis is the first. It affects the mouth and throat areas and is commonly known as "thrush". The second type is genital/vulvovaginal candidiasis (VVC), which affects the genitalia. The third is known as invasive Candidiasis, which affects the bloodstream and then spreads throughout the body.
Causes of Chronic Yeast Infections
According to the CDC, those with weakened immune systems are more apt to contract genital/vulvovaginal candidiasis. Other conditions that may put a woman at risk for genital Candidiasis include diabetes, pregnancy, corticosteroid medications and broad-spectrum antibiotics.
Thrush is usually caused by a person's own Candida, which normally live in the mouth, throat and digestive tract. It becomes problematic when the delicate internal balance is upset and the yeast overpower the other bacteria and grow uncontrolled.
Invasive Candidiasis, medically known as Candidemia, invades the bloodstream and is usually caused by a person coming in contact with contaminated objects. This type of Candida infection is common in hospitals.
Home Remedies
For thrush apply a paste of garlic directly to the affected areas. You can also try this remedy from yeast-infection-helpdesk.com: "A mouthwash made up of warm water, cider vinegar and a pinch of salt can have an anti-fungal effect that can be swished around all corners of the mouth and gargled in the throat. Not the tastiest of mouthwashes but a reliable home remedy for oral thrush."
For VVC a very popular home remedy is inserting a gelatin capsule (purchased at most health food stores) filled with boric acid (purchased at most drugstores) into the vaginal opening. Another popular remedy is douching with a vinegar and water solution to re-acidify and balance the vaginal tissues.
For a systemic yeast infection a fiber rich diet along with lots of fresh, clean water is a good start. In addition to this you need to re-introduce "friendly" bacteria into your system. This can be accomplished by regularly consuming products such as yogurt with acidophilus and bifidus or probiotics. Eliminating refined carbohydrates from your diet such as sugar, white bread and alcohol is another method of controlling yeast.
Keeping It Under Control
In order to prevent reoccurrence of yeast overgrowth a realistic evaluation of both internal and external causative factors should be undertaken. Changes in your diet or other areas may be indicated. You should consult with your health-care practitioner to devise a plan of action that you can live with but the yeast cannot.
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