Polycystic Ovarian Symptoms
Common Symptoms
The most common symptoms of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (POS) include extremely heavy, extremely light or infrequent menstruation. Additionally, pelvic pain may also occur. If, after having started menstruation, a woman experiences any of these common symptoms, they may have POS and should consult a gynecologist.
Other Symptoms
Some other symptoms of POS can be somewhat unusual as they include reduction of breast tissue, enlarged clitoris, chest hair, hair thinness or "male pattern baldness," and deepening of the voice. These symptoms occur because the the alteration of hormones in a woman's body. While some women can experience these symptoms without having POS, they should still seek the advice of a gynecologist.
Unusual Symptoms
Some women experience persistent acne, oily hair, patchy, blackened or darkened skin, high blood pressure, high cholesterol or even diabetes which is caused by POS. In these cases, it is difficult for a general practice physician to detect POS, especially if the woman is overweight, as this masks the cause of the last three symptoms mentioned. If medications prescribed to treat the above symptoms do not work or the symptoms get worse, consultation with a gynecologist is in order.
Most gynecologists will try more than one method of detecting POS, including Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), abdominal ultrasound, biopsies of the ovaries and a sampling of hormone levels. These, along with other methods of detection, can reveal the presence of POS and help the gynecologist determine what treatment options are available for you.
There is no way to prevent POS, but there are methods of treatment available which can help alleviate the symptoms. If a woman wants to become pregnant, a fertility drug may allow her to do so, as well as to control POS. On the opposite end, birth control pills have also been known to help control POS and its symptoms. In some cases, anti-androgens (anti male hormone medication) may reverse some of the symptoms, as well.
Types of Cysts
There are three types of ovarian cysts; Corpus Luteum, Hemorraghic and Dermoid cysts. Corpus Luteum is a normal cyst which occurs at the end of the menstrual cycle or when a woman gets pregnant. In some cases, these cysts do not break down, and instead, fill with blood or other fluids, causing the ovaries to bleed or twist.
Hemorraghic cysts cause chronic bleeding, pain and discomfort.
Dermoid cysts occur when other tissue begins building up on the cysts, cutting off the blood supply. These types of cysts can be extremely painful and can be life-threatening.