About Holistic Relief for Perimenopause
Also known as "Isoflavones." It is believed that phytoestrogens may relieve perimenopause signs by blocking estrogen receptors. There are plant foods and herbs high in phytoestrogens which can be used for perimenopausal symptoms such as night sweats, hot flashes, difficulty sleeping and fatigue, mood swings, depression and irritability, vaginal dryness, and headaches. These are: soy, nuts, black cohosh, dong quai, pomegranates, flax seed, chaseberry, dates, apples, sassafras, red clover, and passionflower.
Women can also alleviate perimenopausal symptoms by avoiding or adding certain foods to their diets, such as: avoiding alcohol, caffeine, excess sugar, too much salt, high-gycemic carbohydrates. Add to every meal more protein, slow-acting carbohydrates, and healthy fats.
Vitamin and Mineral Supplements
Women can take vitamin B6 (B-complex vitamin), vitamin C, and vitamin E. Also the minerals zinc, manganese, chromium, and magnesium. Always check with a health professional for the appropriate dosage.
Natural Progesterone Creams
These creams usually contain extracts from the Mexican wild yam, a substance very similar to the progesterone in the human body. These creams are applied to the parts of the body where the skin tends to be thinner, such as the inner thighs, breasts, stomach, or inner forearms. Though there is no absolute evidence that these creams can lower the risk of uterine or breast cancer, many woman claim to have found perimenopausal relief from their use.
Reiki is a form of energy healing which, when applied on the woman's reproductive area, can help alleviate symptoms that accompany changes with her periods. Women can visit a reiki practitioner, or can also learn to self-heal by being attuned (having their healing ability awakened) to the first level of reiki.