What Probiotic is Best for a Yeast Problem?
What is Yeast?
Yeast (also known as candida) is a fungus that can be present on all areas of the body, inside and out. With the right environment--warm, moist and devoid of light, this fungus has the chance to grow out of control. It can flourish in the mouth (known as thrush), under the arms, in the groin area and in skin folds. In severe infections, yeast can enter your bloodstream and go to the brain. It can lead to impairment, even death.
Antibiotic use increases your risk for developing a yeast problem. The antibiotics kill off the good bacteria in your system that keep yeast and other bacteria in check.
Eating too much sugar and carbohydrates can contribute to yeast growth, too.
Patients with impaired immune systems are also at a higher risk for developing a yeast problem.
Symptoms of Yeast
Aside from vaginal yeast infections, which can cause irritation, discharge and itching, symptoms of yeast in your system include gastro-intestinal upset, diarrhea, severe bloating, excessive gas, foggy feeling, headache and rashes.
Treatment and Other Considerations
Aside from prevention--including cutting out refined sugars and carbohydrates, and wearing loose clothing, patients with excessive yeast can keep the fungus at bay by taking a good probiotic. USProbiotics.org defines probiotics as "live microorganisms administered in adequate amounts which confer a beneficial health effect on the host." Most probiotics are bacteria, which are small, single-celled organisms. Some foods, such as yogurt, have probiotics in them naturally.
In recent years, there has been an influx of manufactured probiotics. With so many choices out there, it is difficult to know which is best. Everyone is made differently, and there are many different strains of yeast and different causes of yeast problems as well. What works well for one person may not for another.
ThreeLac, according to candidasupport.org, an informational site for patients suffering from yeast problems, is considered one of the best probiotics on the market. It contains three live bacteria, Bacillus coagulans, Bacillus subtilis and Enterococcus faecalis, which help balance the normal bacteria. It is manufactured in Japan and is imported to the United States. Because it's an imported product, it is overseen by the Food and Drug Administration. The manufacturer, Global HealthTrax, is held to FDA guidelines called "Good Manufacturing Practices," which give the product credibility in its production.
Theralac is another probiotic quickly gaining support on anti-candida websites, such as truflora.com. This probiotic has five strains of bacteria, as opposed to ThreeLac's three. It also contains two "prebiotics," LactoStim and Lactoferrin, that are said to protect the five probiotics survive the trip to the intenstines to help restore balance.
For more information on the above products, visit their websites, threelac.com and theralac.com.