Antibiotics & Yeast Infections

Yeast is a fungus that is present in the vagina, as well as other areas of the body. A small amount of yeast causes no discomfort, but too much yeast causes an infection. Vaginal yeast infections are common. According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 75 percent of women will have a yeast infection at some point throughout their lives.
  1. Signs and Symptoms

    • Yeast infections often result in a thick, white discharge from the vagina. They are also characterized by a rash and swelling around the vagina, as well as pain and soreness during sex and urination. Symptoms of a yeast infection are similar to symptoms of certain sexually transmitted diseases. If you suspect you have a yeast infection, call your health-care provider to ensure it isn't anything more serious.


    • There are several ways of contracting a yeast infection. Pregnancy, a high-sugar diet, stress and lack of sleep can contribute to excess yeast production. One of the most common causes of a yeast infection is taking antibiotics.

    Why Antibiotics

    • Antibiotics are prescribed to kill bacterial infections. The problem with this is that they kill good bacteria along with the harmful bacteria. Good bacteria line the vagina and regulate the amount of yeast. Therefore, if these good bacteria are killed you have an increased risk for a yeast infection.


    • If you're susceptible to yeast infections or if you've contracted them from antibiotic use in the past, be sure to explain this to your health-care provider. She may be able to prescribe you a milder antibiotic.

      Yogurt is also a great natural cure. Yogurt contains probiotics, or healthy bacteria that can replace those killed by your antibiotics. Eat one serving of yogurt per day while you're taking antibiotics to reduce your risk of a yeast infection.

      Finally, yeast thrives in cool, damp places. While you're on antibiotics, wear cotton underwear because it allows air through more easily than other fabrics. You should also sleep without any underwear to allow your vagina to breathe. You can wear a long night gown, loose fitting shorts or nothing at all.


    • If the natural approach fails, there are several over-the-counter treatments for yeast infections. Most of them provide relief within the first 24 hours.

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