Tips on Tampon Insertion
Pay Attention to Applicators
Applicators come in all types including cardboard, plastic, with grip, without grip, and certain types work best for certain women. Some women, however, experience more difficulty or irritation with cardboard applicators, so if you are having difficulty with insertion, try using a plastic applicator. While cardboard applicators are cheaper, plastic applicators are typically the easiest to use as they are smooth all around and usually have some sort of grip on them. Tampons that don't have applicators are especially not recommended for first time users.
Stay Relaxed
Inserting a tampon, especially if you are a first time user, can be nerve-racking. However, the more nervous you are, the harder insertion will be as the muscles in your abdomen will be tightened. If you have a case of nerves, before inserting the applicator take a few deep breaths to relax muscles. Once applicator is inserted, take a few more deep breaths then push the applicator in.
Most tampon instructions will tell you to insert it either sitting or standing, which position is better depends on the woman. If you have tried inserting a tampon sitting over the toilet and have failed repeatedly, you may want to try inserting it standing with one leg propped up on the toilet. Some women even find it helpful to insert the tampon while lying down, so try this if the first two are still uncomfortable.
To make the tampon glide in more easily some first time users try lubricating the applicator. You can do this using either Vaseline or KY Jelly. Simply lubricate the end of the applicator with either one and then the tampon should easily glide in. Remember to relax as well.
Ensure it is Pushed Back
Another problem some women have when inserting a tampon is that they can feel it in them after insertion. This is most likely because they have not pushed it in far enough. If this happens to you, simply try inserting it farther with another tampon, or using a clean dry finger to push the inserted tampon further up.
Experiment With Brands
All tampons are different in size and absorbency. For some women, certain brands work better than others. Try experimenting with different brands to see which one works best for you and remember to always use the lowest absorbency you need, as using a tampon that is too big can be painful to take out as it may be dry on some sides.
Always follow the directions that come in your box of tampons, including directions for insertion and those pertaining to Toxic Shock Syndrome, a serious illness that has been found to be related to tampon usage.
If the pain of inserting a tampon is extreme or above uncomfortable, this may be the sign of a bigger problem and you should make an appointment with your doctor immediately.
Never use scented tampons, or scented vaginal products in general, as the chemicals in them can lead to infections such as yeast infections, and upset the pH balance in your vagina.
Always make sure to use a clean tampon that hasn't been out of the wrapper and wash hands before insertion to prevent bacteria from coming in contact with your vagina.