Home Remedies for Genital Herpes
Aloe vera can help treat blisters caused by an outbreak. Either use the gel or cut an aloe leaf and apply the herb to your infected areas. Also, black walnut tree powdered leaves can be used. Boil 2-3 cups of water and add 1 oz. of black walnut tree powder. Strain the liquid and wait for it to cool. Use a towel to soak up the water and use on sores. Licorice is another herb that works as well, because it inhibits growth of the virus and prevents cell damage. Licorice can be found in creams and ointments.
Taking 1,500 mg of the amino acid lysine at the beginning of an outbreak slows down or stops viral replication, and can only be obtained by taking supplements or through diet. Be sure not to take with dairy products or you can prevent the amino acid from being absorbed. Foods with lysine include chicken, cheese, milk, vegetables, legumes and Brewer's yeast. Avoid foods with arginine, because the herpes virus thrives in an environment rich of this amino acid. Arginine rich foods include chocolate, refined flour, whole grains, nuts and oats.
Other Cures
Applying peppermint tea to sores offers some relief. You can decrease itching with cornstarch and baking soda, and iced milk on cotton balls can be used on blisters. Also ice the painful rash. If you do not have any ice available, wrap a towel around a frozen food and place it on the area. Additionally, herpes flare-ups can occur because of a weak immune system and stress. Take a daily supplement, get enough healthy food and rest, and relieve stress through moderate exercise, meditation and yoga.