What to Do About Feminine Odor Protection?
Causes of Feminine Odor
Feminine odor can come from not showering or bathing more frequently, but it generally is related to something more severe. The odor can be contracted through sexually transmitted diseases, such as genital herpes, syphilis or gonorrhea. It can be acquired from bacteria like chlamydia or bacterial vaginosis. Or it can be caused by a medical condition, such as pelvic inflammatory disease or an advanced tumor in the cervix. Vaginal odor might also be caused by infrequently changing menstrual pads or tampons, by frequent douching or simply by sweating excessively.
Do Not Douche
Many women, when they first detect the slightest scent of a feminine odor, run to grab a bottle of douche. After all, they are sold in so many appealing fragrances, almost like a perfume for the vagina. Douches, however, do nothing but stir up bacteria in the vagina. According to the National Women's Health Information Center, women who douche on a regular basis are more prone to health problems than those women who do not douche. Douching has been associated with vaginal irritation and infections as well as pelvic inflammatory diseases and sexually transmitted diseases.
Control Feminine Odor
Due to the causes of feminine odor, it is difficult to eliminate the odor without dealing with the causes. There are ways to cover up the odor, such as washing with a mild, unscented soap. You can also try sprinkling a little cornstarch into your cotton panties, which will help control the moisture, discharge and odor. Some feminine odor deodorants, creams, suppositories and pills are available that claim to eliminate feminine odor. The side effects of these products are unknown. If the odor persists for more than a week, you should consult your gynecologist. It is probably best to treat the cause of the odor and eliminate it completely rather than try to cover up the odor with feminine odor protection without addressing the root of the problem.