What Are the Causes of Abnormal Pap Smear Results?
The most common cause of an abnormal pap smear is HPV. HPV, or human papillomavirus, is a very common infection. There are more than 100 different variations of the HPV virus, and 30 of these are transmitted through sexual contact. HPV changes the structure of cells and makes them appear abnormal. If the virus is present during a pap smear, the test will give abnormal result.
Another frequent reason for an abnormal pap smear is a cervical infection caused by yeast or bacteria. During a yeast infection, minor cell changes may occur, which will result in an abnormal pap smear. According to Brown University, yeast infections can occur for several reasons, including stress, oral contraceptives, clothing that fosters fungal growth, and even HIV.
Cancer can also result in an abnormal pap smear test. If cancer is present, abnormal cells will spread deep into the cervix and cause abnormalities with tissues and organs. Fortunately, many cancers are preventable if women have annual or semi-annual pap smear tests. The earlier cancer is detected, the more success doctors have with treatment.
False Negatives
Sometimes an abnormal pap smear is the result of an inaccurate test. A pap smear is not always 100 percent accurate, and there are cases where women could experience a false negative or false positive. Normally, inaccurate tests are cleared up through confirmation tests or regular pap smear screenings. Laboratories have taken measures to improve the accuracy of pap smear tests over the years.
In the case that a woman has an abnormal pap smear, her physician will normally repeat the test to confirm the results and determine whether more doctor visits are needed. Some abnormal pap smear tests can resolve themselves without treatment, but only a doctor can determine the diagnosis and next steps.
Women who have had their uterus and cervix surgically removed do not need a pap test, unless the removal was done to treat cancer. Also, women over the age of 65 who have consistently had normal pap smears can decide whether or not to continue having the test done.