Fibroid Pregnancy Advice
What Are Uterine Fibroids?
Uterine fibroids (also known as simply as fibroids or uterine leiomyoma) are tiny benign tumors in the uterus's muscle walls. They are common in women who are in the middle or end of their reproductive years. Fibroid symptoms may include heavy menstrual bleeding, pelvic pain or swelling in the abdomen. Some women may even experience bleeding in between their normal periods. If you have experienced any of these symptoms, consult your physician immediately.
Although fibroids are mostly benign, they may continue to grow and cause dangerous symptoms. Some uterine fibroids may even lead to death. Many of the hysterectomies performed are done on women with fibroid complications. Fibroid treatments are varied and tailored to each woman's case. Some women see improvements in symptoms with certain medications. If a woman's fibroid condition worsens, her physician may choose to remove them through surgery or to remove the uterus altogether.
Many doctors will tell you that if your fibroid symptoms aren't unbearable you should wait to pursue any treatment. Be sure to ask your doctor to explain the risks and benefits of each treatment option as they relate your own concerns.
Uterine fibroids can often influence your chances of conceiving. Size and location of your fibroids are an important factor. If your fibroids are growing inside the layers of your uterus, they can disrupt the uterine lining. This makes it hard for eggs to implant themselves in that lining. Fibroids may even be positioned so that they block your fallopian tubes and prevent sperm from reaching your eggs.
Fibroids do not always prevent you from becoming pregnant. In fact, many women with uterine fibroids have no problem getting pregnant or carrying their children without complications. For those women who do have complications, physicians believe that the increase in estrogen levels that come along with pregnancy can cause existing fibroids to enlarge. Certain fibroids located in the uterine lining can stop the embryo from growing and increase your chance of miscarrying. Fibroids may also increase your chance of premature labor or breached births. They can also increase the need for a cesarean section instead of a vaginal birth.
If you are trying to get pregnant, you should first have your physician examine you thoroughly. You may want to consider having any existing fibroids removed before trying to conceive. If fibroids become a problem during pregnancy, they cannot be treated until after you give birth. All your physician can do is manage the symptoms and closely monitor the situation.