Cures for Yeast Infections
Home Remedies
Probiotics can be useful in treating a yeast infection at home because they restore the healthy bacteria in the vagina and digestive tract. Restoring the balance of these live organisms may clear the infection. You can buy lactobacillus acidophilus and other probiotic supplements from most health food stores or wherever supplements are sold. Yogurt also contains these live cultures.
Tee tree oil is a natural antiseptic that may help relieve symptoms when applied to the outer vaginal area. Do not use it full strength. Dilute it with water.
Boric acid has also been known to help some women. Boric acid suppositories can be inserted directly into the vagina once a day for up to two weeks.
A cool bath may help relieve itching and burning temporarily but it won't clear the infection.
Over the Counter
Most over the counter treatments use miconazole (Monistat) or butaconazole (Femstat, Nystatin) in the form of a cream or suppository to heal the infection. Different products take different amounts of time to treat and may require multiple applications. These products are readily available and reasonably affordable. Over the counter treatments appeal to many women because they can use them in the privacy of their own homes and they do not require a doctor visit or a prescription.
AZO yeast is a natural, homeopathic over the counter product that is available in tablet form. It can be taken three times daily to treat a current infection or once daily to prevent infection.
At the Doctor's Office
If you have never had a yeast infection diagnosed before or if you aren't sure that's what you have, see a doctor. You should also seek treatment if your symptoms last more than a week, don't respond to home treatment, or are accompanied by bloody discharge, fever or abdominal pain. A doctor can make a positive diagnosis, rule out conditions with similar symptoms like bacterial vaginosis and STDs, and talk you through your treatment options. She can also prescribe fluconazole (Diflucan) or another oral treatment.
Avoid Future Infection
To avoid yeast infections in the future, keep the vaginal area clean and dry. Wear loose fitting clothing and cotton underwear and avoid any scented personal care products in that area, including scented feminine hygiene products. Do not douche as it also removes the "good" bacteria, leading to further infection.