What to Take for Signs & Symptoms of Menopause
The first sign of menopause is having lighter and lighter periods. Some women begin to have irregular periods or bleeding in between cycles. Heavy bleeding is also a sign of the first stages. If you get worried about the amount of blood, call your regular doctor. The best thing to do is keep a calender of your cycle. Write in a journal that you can show to a gynecologist. They will need to know exactly when you are supposed to be ovulating.
Hot Flashes
Hot flashes are among the most well-known symptoms of menopause. A hot sensation creeps up the upper half of your body. In some people, red blotches appear on their chest. Sweating is also a regular occurrence. You will start to feel flushed and in dire need to cool down. The majority of women experience hot flashes, and they cause people a lot of stress and discomfort. Shivering oftentimes follows these flashes, which can be quite unsettling when just starting menopause.
If you feel like you can never get enough sleep or your normal routine is too strenuous, you might be menopausal. Countless women report being tired and having muscle aches. Even with proper diets, the fatigue is unmerciful. Keep a schedule of your sleep patterns. Insomnia is another symptom. Additionally, women are awaken thoughout the night by their bladders and after experiencing night sweats. Try getting on a normal schedule of six to eight hours of sleep. It may be that you are simply not getting enough sleep or under a lot of stress. Fatigue can also be a a sign of depression. Talk to your doctor about your sleep schedule and moods.
Other Symptoms
Typically women starting menopause have headaches. Some of them are so bad that they seem like migraines. Check with your doctor to be sure you don't have a condition. Other symptoms of menopause include memory problems, increased PMS, less vaginal lubrication, water retention, changes in body hair and yeast infections. Write down all your symptoms to take with you to your doctor. It is essential to educate yourself on the signs of menopause if you are over the age of 45.