How to Get Pregnant With Uterine Fibroids
Use timed intercourse. Timed intercourse is a method of conception that focuses closely on woman's menstrual cycles. The woman takes her temperature each month and examines her fertile fluid for signs of approaching ovulation. When ovulation nears she and her partner can choose to have sexual intercourse.
Use intra-uterine insemination. An IUI is a method of fertility assistance that bypasses the cervix. Sperm is collected, washed to remove debris and select the best ones. Sperm is then inserted into a woman's uterus during her fertile time of the month. An IUI can help someone with uterine fibroids get pregnant by increasing her chances of pregnancy each month. IUI's are generally inexpensive with fees that typically run under $400 per attempt. The procedure is generally performed in a gynecologist's office without pain meds.
Undergo a myectomy. A myectomy is the removal of fibroid tissue from the uterine cavity. A myectomy can help someone with fibroids increase their chances of pregnancy by removing tissues that may interfere with egg implantation. A skilled surgeon should be able to preserve uterine function while excising unnecessary growth.
Undergo a uterine artery embolization. A UAE is a procedure where a doctor inserts a small camera and places small particles on the fibroids. The particles help block flow to the area in question. This often shrinks the fibroids and decreases their growth. This can help lead to pregnancy.
Undergo IVF. The initials IVF stand for invitro-fertilization. During the invitro fertilization process a woman is given drugs to produce more embryos per cycle than normal. The eggs are then collected and fertilized with sperm outside of the body. Once the eggs have grown to a certain size they are placed in the uterine cavity again. An IVF procedure can help a woman with fibroids have children because she is increasing her chances of pregnancy over normal conception attempts each month she tries it. This is because she is producing more eggs during the procedure.