Vaginal Yeast Infection Cure
When a woman has a vaginal yeast infection, she may experience itching and burning inside the vagina and around the vulva, have a white vaginal discharge that looks like cottage cheese or yellow vaginal discharge that does not have an odor, experience pain during sexual intercourse, swelling of the vulva, painful urination, soreness around the genital area or a rash around the vagina.
If a woman experiences any of these symptoms, she should visit her doctor who will be able to assist with treatment. Some women incorrectly self-diagnose a yeast infection and treat it improperly, which can result in a worse infection. Also, the cause of the discomfort remains untreated.
Vaginal yeast infections can be treated with an anti-fungal that can come in pill form or as an over-the-counter or prescribed anti-fungal cream that will be applied inside the vaginal area via a special applicator or a suppository. This cream will cure the yeast infection.There are also creams available that can be applied around the vaginal area that will help with any uncomfortable sensations resulting from the yeast infection.
The woman's health care professional can advise on which medications are appropriate for her needs.
Eating yogurt with live cultures is a common home remedy for a yeast infection. The bacteria in the yogurt may assist the body in returning to its normal chemistry. One serving daily is sufficient.
There are several ways to prevent yeast infections. Don't wear tight-fitting clothing; don't wear synthetics; wear only cotton underpants; don't wear leotards or nylons every day; dry the genital region with a hairdryer on low after bathing; wipe from front to back after using the toilet; immediately change out of damp clothing; refrain from douching, using feminine sprays, scented sanitary napkins and tampons; change sanitary napkins frequently; don't use colored or perfumed toilet paper and avoid hot tubs and hot baths.