Hormone Replacement
Common symptoms of menopause are hot flashes, night sweats, difficulty sleeping, loss of energy, mood swings, lack of vaginal lubrication that can lead to painful intercourse, and vaginal itching and burning.
Other problems
Loss of estrogen can also reduce bone density, sometimes leading to osteoporosis.
Estrogen helps to combat these symptoms and prevent bone loss.
There are many different forms of hormone replacement; some are just estrogen, and others contain a combination of hormones, including progestin. Plain estrogen is recommended for women who have had a hysterectomy, while the addition of progestin is better for women who still have their uteruses.
Hormone supplements can be made from horse urine, soybeans, or wild yams.
Estrogen may increase the chances of uterine and breast cancer, heart attacks, strokes, blood clots, and dementia.