How to Ease Morning Sickness With Vitamin B6
As many as 80 percent of pregnant women experience nausea during their first trimester, and sometimes the symptom continues into later stages as well. This is often dubbed "morning sickness," since it tends to happen most often during the early part of the day. But it can appear at any other time as well. Many treatments for this condition have been tried with varying degrees of success over the centuries; in the past 60 years or so, evidence has pointed toward Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) as one of the most effective. And two recent studies--one in Thailand and one at the University of Iowa--have confirmed that it does apparently have at least some benefit for at least some women. As a dietary element, B6 is safe and healthy if consumed in moderate amounts, and there are several ways of ingesting it.Instructions
How to Ease Morning Sickness With Vitamin B6
Try eating foods that contain a large quantity of B6. These include avocados and bananas. Many women report that consuming these items causes their morning sickness to disappear without further treatment.
If merely consuming the right foods is ineffective, purchase B6 tablets in dosages of 25 mg. Take two or three of these per day, beginning as soon as you wake up in the morning. Do not exceed three tablets per day; ingestion of 100 mg per day or more has been known to cause damage to nerves, and can even affect the fetus
As an alternative to B6 tablets, you might try products such as B-Natal TheraPops or Morning Sickness Magic (see Resources section), which are specifically formulated to treat morning sickness, and include other ingredients purportedly effective for that purpose. B-Natal TheraPops feature a lollipop base, so they are pleasant to the taste.
If you do not experience results within a couple of days, discontinue the supplements and try other treatments, as their effect is generally immediate. There is no reason, however, why you should not continue eating foods rich in B6.