The Effects of Alcohol on a Flash
Contributor to Hot Flashes
Hot flashes are related to the change of estrogen levels that occur during perimenopause (when the body is changing prior to actual menopause) and menopause (when periods have completely ceased.) The lower amounts of estrogen affect the hypothalamus which regulates body temperature, causing it to respond inappropriately. Although hot flashes can occur for no predictable reason, medical studies and women personally note certain risk factors. One primary contributor is related to alcohol use.
The Mechanism of Alcohol That Causing Hot Flashes
Based on studies of woman in perimenopause and menopause, alcohol seems to increase the number and severity of hot flashes. One theory, however, suggests that alcohol raises blood levels of estrogen and then, after the body metabolizes it, the levels drop, precipitating a hot flash.
An Opposing Exception
Although studies in pre-menopausal and post-menopausal women noted a higher risk of hot flashes with alcohol use, one exception seemed to occur for midlife women prior to complete menopause: low to moderate drinking (approximately two to three drinks a month) appeared to actually lower the risk of severe hot flashes in women going through perimenopause. A theory suspects that the alcohol raises blood glucose to protect against a hot flash, but that theory is not proven and future studes are needed to determine if that result is valid and, if so, why.
Adapting Alcohol Use to Limit Hot Flashes
If hot flashes are infrequent or mild, a woman may be able to drink small amounts of alcohol without much discomfort. Or a bit of experimentation may allow her to mitigate the combination of factors that cause hot flashes by alternating the glass of wine with water, avoiding heavy or highly spiced foods, maintaining a cool environment and otherwise managing conditions that may also be implicated in hot flashes.