How to Eliminate Fibroids
Visit with your doctor. The first step in eliminating fibroids is to confirm you have uterine fibroids. Fibroids may be diagnosed through a routine pelvic exam. Your doctor may also examine your abdomen for signs of fibroids. Ultrasounds, CT scans and MRIs can also be used to make a diagnosis.
Weigh your treatment options. Your doctor will provide you with numerous options. Take your time in making the right decision for you.
Take medications. Your doctor can prescribe medications aimed at treating your symptoms. Medications can help reduce pain, pelvic pressure and heavy bleeding. Medications will not eliminate fibroids but can shrink them.
Weigh your surgery options. For fibroids that cause severe pain and bleeding, surgery is an option. Surgery is also an option for failed conservative treatment -- medication. You can undergo a myomectomy. This procedure will remove your fibroids, while still providing you with the ability to have children. You can also undergo a hysterectomy. A hysterectomy is the removal of your uterus. This ends your ability to have a child.