How to Tell if You Have a Yeast Overgrowth
Check your mouth for white lesions that appear slightly raised. They are usually located on your tongue or inner cheeks but can also be found on your gums, tonsils and the roof of your mouth. These lesions tend to bleed and are painful, especially when you are brushing your teeth.
Examine the back of your throat for white lesions as well. If you experience a sensation that feels like your food is not going down when you eat, have difficulty or pain when swallowing and a fever, this means the oral yeast infection has entered in to your esophagus. This is highly dangerous as it can then spread to your lungs. You need to seek immediate medical attention.
Check your vagina for a discharge that is thick and has a cottage cheese-like texture. If this discharge is accompanied by itching and a burning sensation when you urinate, this is a sure sign of a vaginal yeast infection.