How Do I Use The Jes Extender Comfort Strap?
Assemble the Jes Extender. Slide the silicon tubing off of the metal spring arms. Attach extension rods to the Jes Extender spring arms until the arms are approximately lined up with the length of your penis in a flaccid state. You may have to hold the extended traction device next to your penis (while it is not erect), to get an approximate idea of how many extension rods you will need to add on. Slide the rubber comfort strap tubing over the extension rod ends. The entire length of the assembled Jes Extender should measure slightly longer than your penis in its normal state.
Lift the silicon tube up to loosen it. Slide the Jes Extender over your penis. Place the ring at the base of the Jes Extender over the penis like you would put a ring on a finger. Properly fitted, the ring should touch the base of the penis or the area of skin closer to your stomach. Press the spring arms while sliding the head of your penis into the comfort strap. The older device on uses silicon bands with which a comfort pad may be used. Pull the comfort strap's ends down over the penis head to secure it. Fit the strap just below the glans if you have not been circumcised.
Locate the nail screws on the side of the spring arms. Turn both sides with your fingers to adjust the length and traction or skin pulling effect. Adjust both sides at the same time to prevent the device from bending. The degrees of traction are 900, 1200 and 1500 grams. The higher the degree of traction, the greater the stretch on the penis.
Lift up the comfort strap and slide the Jes Extender off to remove it from the penis.