The Emotional Symptoms of Perimenopause
Constant tiredness and fatigue are signs of perimenopause. Sleep may become erratic and sleeping patterns may be irregular and unstable. The change in hormones can affect your body's pattern for sleep and may cause restlessness. Furthermore, night sweats and hot flashes are physical symptoms of perimenopause and can contribute to fatigue.
Mood Swings
Some women may experience shifting moods, also known as mood swings, during perimenopause. Hormonal fluctuations are usually the cause of these sudden changing moods but may not be the only cause. Lack of sleep and a feeling of loss of control of your body can also cause mood swings.
Anxiety and Depression
Anxiety and depression are emotional conditions that perimenopausal women may suffer from. Fatigue and fear of the unknown body changes may cause anxiety and depression, similar to mood swings. Anxiety and depression are treatable through medication or counseling, or a combination of the two. While these conditions affect your emotions, they are also considered mental health issues.