What Are the Treatments for Candida Yeast?
Prescription Treatments
One effective prescription treatment for candida yeast is Fluconazole, also known as Diflucan. Fluconazole treats oral, esophageal and vaginal infections. It is available in tablet form, oral suspension and injection. Although candida yeast may subside within a few days after using Fluconazole, according to Medicine Net, the treatment should be continued for two weeks.
Prescription anti-fungal topical treatments for candida include Nystatin and Clotrimazole. Both are used to treat oral thrush. The Oral Cancer Foundation states that these topical treatments are applied directly to the lesions as a dissolving lozenge or a liquid wash.
The Oral Cancer Foundation advises that if the candida yeast is resistant to the topical or oral treatments, Amphotericin B, Ketoconazole and Itraconazole are other more potent prescription treatments. A doctor must administer these intravenously.
Over-the-Counter Treatments
Some of the most popular prescription-strength anti-fungal treatments that are available over-the-counter include Lotrimin, Mycelex, Monistat, Micatin and Terazol. These agents are used to treat vaginal yeast and are available as vaginal creams and suppositories. According to WebMD, over-the-counter drugs such as these are to be used for at least three days and up to seven days, depending on the product's concentration (indicated by a number 3 or a number 7 after the name).
Alternative Treatments
The Mayo Clinic reports that some women have had success using home remedies such as tea tree oil creams, boric acid suppositories and vinegar douches. However, as of 2010, studies have not provided enough evidence to prove these findings. The Mayo Clinic states that one promising candida home remedy with as yet limited scientific corroboration is lactobacillus, which is available in certain types of yogurt. This bacteria is used orally or intravaginally to reduce yeast cultures.
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