Do Laser-Hair Transplants Work?
Laser-Hair Transplant
Laser-hair transplants work by using a donated strip of tissue, containing DHT-resistant hairs, from the back of the head. DHT is a baldness-causing hormone. These hairs can be transplanted anywhere on the skin and have no risk of permanently falling out. The laser pokes small holes in the bald area, and the hairs are transplanted with a robotic arm.
Post Care
After the procedure, you will need to be careful with the newly transplanted hairs on your head. Your doctor will advise you not to touch your head or scratch it. Be careful not to bump your head because the new hairs may not grow if they are damaged. If these precautions are taken, the procedure will be highly successful.
Post Transplant
About two weeks after the transplant, the new hairs will fall out. This is normal and is due to the shock loss. It is now safe to touch the area where the hairs were transplanted, and they will not be damaged. Within a few days, you will begin to see new hairs growing. In a few months, the new hair will be growing along with your existing hair, and you will not be able to tell the difference.
Side Effects
You most likely will experience some side effects from the laser-hair transplant procedure. Some common symptoms are pain, itchiness and swelling in the transplanted area. It is possible for the affected area to develop scabs or an infection, which can be rare. The scabs should subside after a few days. Your doctor may be able to prescribe pain medication to relieve any discomfort.
The success of a laser-hair transplant can vary slightly with each individual. The procedure usually works best on people who have minimal hair loss. This technique can be used on a person with significant hair loss, but may not be as successful.