Myths About Hair Loss
Tight Hats Cause Hair Loss
Hair loss is not caused by tight or snug fitting hats but it is common for those losing their hair to wear a hat in order to hide the balding.
Everyday Stress Causes Hair Loss
Certain extreme occasions and circumstances may actually cause hair loss, but everyday stress does not. Everyday stress includes deadlines and financial worries amongst other common stressors
Brushes and Combs Cause Hair Loss
A majority of experts will recommend using a comb over a brush as a brush might produce more split ends. However, neither a brush nor comb will actually cause hair loss.
Overwashing Your Hair Causes Hair Loss
While it is advised to pay attention to any chemicals that might be contained in your shampoo, every day hair washing with shampoo will not cause hair loss. It is not uncommon to have as many as 50 hairs fall out daily.
There Is Not a Treatment for Hair Loss
While there may not be a cure, there are treatments available for hair loss. Hair transplants, hair pieces and medications are all used for treating hair loss.