What Supplements Help Stop Hair Loss?
Inflammation causes cicatricial (scarring) alopecia---a form of hair loss considered permanent. Both topical and internal anti-inflammatory supplements may assist in prevention. Dr. Andrew Weil touts turmeric as the most effective anti-inflammatory herb.
Oils also contain anti-inflammatory properties, and, unlike turmeric, are often specifically mentioned as supporting healthy hair. Omega 3's are taken internally, and neem oil topically.
For hair loss or scalp inflammation caused by infection, anti-viral and anti-fungal supplements may help. Consuming the powerful anti-oxidants garlic, onion, and oregano in capsule form may elicit anti-viral, anti-fungal, and anti-bacterial benefits. Topically, tea tree and neem oils may be used.
B vitamins are crucial for healthy hair. Stress, illness, even exercise deplete B vitamin levels, so many people can benefit from this supplement. Iron is important for those who experience iron deficiency, because hair loss can result.
Organic sulfur is a vital component of collagen and elastin in hair. M.S.M. (methylsulfonylmethane) is a popular, internal supplement.
Hair loss can be a symptom of underlying disease. According to FamilyDoctor.org, a trip to the doctor can help determine the cause of hair loss, and help you create a targeted plan of traditional or alternative treatment and supplementation.