After Hair Transplant Procedures
Care After Hair Replacement
A person who has had hair transplant surgery will be advised to sleep with his head on pillows the night following the hair transplant surgery. The doctor will give medication for pain and sleep if needed. A headband will be used to protect the transplants after surgery. This headband can be removed in the morning. Shampooing every four hours for the first day is the norm. This will not be needed after the first day. Washing the scalp and transplants will change after the first day. The doctor may call to check in.
Second Step After Hair Replacement
After washing the scalp every four hours on the first day, a person who has experienced hair transplant surgery is now able to shower two times per day for the rest of the week. The doctor will provide a special shampoo in order to clean the transplant area. Don't worry about implants falling out. Transplants fit snug within the scalp and will not come out in the shower. If all instructions are followed, no bandages are necessary.
Two Weeks After Hair Replacement
At the two-week mark, it is fine to resume shampooing and brushing the hair transplants. There are still procedures to follow, but anyone who has had hair transplant surgery is well on his way to not knowing the difference between the hair they used to have and the hair they have now.
What to Avoid
The doctor will advise not to use alcohol for three days after the procedure. Smoking is prohibited for the first two weeks. When spending time in the sunlight, wear a hat. At thee two-week point in the transplant process, it is OK to use sunscreen. It is advised to use an SPF of 30 or greater.
Getting Back to Daily Life
One can look forward to getting back to a normal routine almost immediately after a hair transplant. Exercise should be limited during that first fragile week. Strenuous exercise for several weeks after a transplant is not recommended. This depends on the type of incision, along with how loose or tight the scalp is. This varies among individuals. A follow-up visit one week after the surgery is the norm. Once the four-week point hits, it is OK to go for that first haircut and even dye the hair.