Women's Hair Loss in Menopause

Hair loss can be exacerbated by diminishing hormones, such as diminishing levels of estrogen and progesterone. When a woman gets close to menopause, her ovarian function slows and then stops. Female pattern hair thinning is very typical among the menopausal group, according to Minniepauz.com, and it is the result of hormones gone awry.
  1. Expert Insight

    • Dr. Alan Bauman, founder of Bauman Medical Group in Boca Raton, Florida, who is one of the leading hair restoration doctors in the country, points out that hair loss increases by as much as 50 percent when a woman is approaching menopause and possibly as high as 75 percent when menopause is a fait accompli. Dr. Bauman notes that menopausal women frequently complain of change in hair texture, decreasing coverage of their scalp, loss of hair volume and increased shedding of hair. Although no one is completely certain why this happens, it is believed that the hair loss is the result of estrogen deficiency.

    Male Hormones

    • Male androgens (hormones) are always present in women but they are more readily produced when progesterone is no longer produced in sufficient amounts. Progesterone ceases being produced when ovulation stops. When progesterone is present, it keeps testosterone levels at bay. More androgens can result in less hair on the head but more hair on the face and body. If you've noticed that you are sporting a semblance of a mustache and some chin hair, but very thin hair on your head, this is why.


    • Women who are old enough to be in menopause, except for those who enter into this phase prematurely, are more likely than younger women to be taking medication for other physical ailments that can contribute to hair loss. These medicines include anti-depressants, anti-coagulants (blood thinners), anti-seizure medication, high blood pressure medicine and chemotherapy drugs for cancer treatment.


    • Physical conditions that can prompt hair loss include liver and kidney failure, infection, lupus, cancer, diabetes, bad circulation and hormonal fluctuations. If your thyroid gland isn't working properly, which is a common occurrence in menopausal women, this can cause your hair to fall out, according to Power-surge.com. Hypo- and hyperthyroidism (too slow, too fast) are conditions that allow too much production of testosterone, which leads to hair loss.


    • If your diet is deficient, this can cause your hair to fall out. If you are anemic, this too can cause hair loss. It is possible that your physician will recommend taking a multi-vitamin that contains vitamins E, C, A and B complex, because these vitamins are essential for hair health. Consider taking Biotin (vitamin H), which is reportedly very beneficial to hair. Make sure that you're getting enough zinc and magnesium in your diet. Eat foods that contain beta carotene, which is vitamin A, by eating eggs, cod liver oil, butter and liver. Be kind to your hair. Do not wear hats that are too tight or subject your hair to stress. Back off on the processing and bleaching and dying. If you always wear your hair pulled back into a tight knot, this can cause traction alopecia and can make your hair fall out. When possible, protect your hair from the damaging effects of the sun.


    • Some women have found success using Rogaine for Women and hair products of this nature. Other women opt to go the homeopathic route, trying herbs, infusions and other techniques that can be done in their home. Always consult with a physician or a qualified homeopathic practitioner first.

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