Frizzy Hair Remedies
Vitamin E
Use shampoos rich in vitamin E and other oils that work to strengthen the hair shaft, moisturize the hair, and add volume to the hair. Massage shampoo into the scalp working from the back of the hair to the front of the hair. Leave the shampoo in the hair for one to three minutes before rinsing with warm water. Shampoos and styling aids which contain vitamin E work to treat frizzy hair which is caused by excessively dry follicles.
Use apple cider vinegar and water to rinse the hair after washing. Mix a solution of half vinegar half water. Massage the rinse into the scalp and leave it for one to five minutes before rinsing with lukewarm water. Vinegar helps to eliminate frizzy hair by smoothing the hair cuticle through balancing the pH level in the scalp.
Avoid blow-drying the hair without using a large rounded brush using downward motions with the hair dryer to avoid cuticle damage. Blow drying without simultaneous brushing robs the hair of essential moisture, which can increase the likelihood of split ends. Shake excess water from the hair immediately after washing. Allow the hair to air dry before going outdoors.