How to Remove Ingrown Pubic Hairs
Things You'll Need
- Wash cloth
- Loofah
- Exfoliating cleaner containing salicylic or glycolic acid
- Skin cream with lactic acid
- Tweezers
Dampen a clean wash cloth with hot water and apply it as a hot compress to the ingrown hair. The compress will help with the inflammation and also serves to both open the skin pores and soften the hair under the skin so that it may free up and come through the skin. Repeat this procedure several times and again the following day.
Use an exfoliating cleaner while in the shower to gently bring the hair to the surface. Gently scrub with a loofah and a cleanser that contains salicylic or glycolic acid.
Apply a cream with lactic acid on the area immediately after showering. This type of cream will soften the skin additionally so that the hair can emerge.
Use sterilized tweezers to grasp the hair follicle that is exposed, and pull the rest of the hair up. This should be done immediately after Steps 1 to 3 above for the best chance of success.